Miles bridges baby ma mychelle Johnson Leaves her New Born to go party in LA

Plastics, well it looks like Mychelle isn’t feeling being a mom this third go around. If you're new here let me catch you up to speed.

On June 29th 2022 it was released that Miles Bridges was arrested for felony domestic violence in Los Angeles via. TMZ, Mychelle also exposed him on instagram for being an abuser, which resulted in him losing out on a big big contract extension with the Charlotte Hornets. Granted Mr.Bridges is no saint but the gag was the pair were abusive to each other! just like any typical young black TOXIC couple that’s in love.

When Tash spoke of this issue on disabled instagram account @wagsfunfiltered 70 percent of the public demonized her for victim blaming. But if you were to ask Tash if she cared just know the answer would be HELL NO.

Anywho- fastward to first quarter of 2023 we get a call from a reliable source stating Mychelle is pregnant…. And it’s Miles.

The source concurs that the two were back in Charlotte together which is the real reason she went public about him being an abuser in the first place. EVERY TIME Miles no longer wants to be with Mychelle she acts OUT and goes on a wild tangent it’s giving very much “ if I can’t have you NO ONE WILL,” and at this point I won’t be surprised if she ends up on Snapped.

Allegedly Mychelle just gave birth to her second son on May 24th 2023 ( don’t quote me but she gave birth less than a month ago) but decided to leave her three children with the Nannie’s back in Charlotte while she parties in LA. Multiple women witnessed her and recorded her. Now I’m not a mother so I don’t know if she’s going through post partum depression or whatever the case may be, buuuuut last time I checked your body is still leaking fluids and your child still needs your attention more than ever…. But I digress! Plastics thoughts ?


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